4th Transnational Project Meeting of INTERACT

interacting SL hosted the fourth Transnational Project Meeting of INTERACT: “Patrimoniul cultural inovator, rădăcina identității europene”. The meeting was held on 12- 13 September 2022 in Madrid (SPAIN). One or two representatives from each partner organisation took part in the meeting:
- Find An Internship Lead Partner (UK)
- Youth Europe Service (Italy)
- Predict CSD (Romania)
- Interacting SL (Spain)
- Logos Polska (Poland).

The purpose of the 4th Transnational Project Meeting was to:
- Introduction and overview of the meeting and its objectives
- Update on developments of previous work packages
- Options on animations, software showcasing
- Modelling animations with historical characters in online tourist routes.
- Travel from the meeting venue to Carabanchel
- Connecting animation to Cultural Heritage content
- Discovering Carabanchel, The Interacting model of character led exploration of cultural heritage performed and connected to digital aspects of the project
- Creation of the App
- Programming the third newsletter
- Dissemination and other targets
- Agreeing on working targets and the next project meeting.
The final meeting will be held in Poznan (Poland) and will be hosted by the partner Logos Polska. The meeting has been scheduled for 10-12 January 2023.

We will keep you updated in due course. In the meantime, if you have any questions please drop us a line info@findaninternship.co.uk or For more information about the project (INTERACT) please visit the site https://interactproject.eu and follow us on https://www.facebook.com/Interactproject